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A painted portrait of Sir Walter Scott standing on a hill next to two terriers with hills in the distance.

Religion and Reformation

The Monastery

•	Crucifix, depicting Christ on the Cross and as a child with his mother, Mary. Gold, enamel, pearl, gilt, German, 16th century

Crucifix, depicting Christ on the Cross and as a child with his mother, Mary. Gold, enamel, pearl, gilt, German, 16th century.

Cross and banner, pix and chalice, shrines containing relics, and censers steaming with incense, preceded and were intermingled with the long and solemn array of the brotherhood, in their long black gowns and cowls, with their white scapularies hanging over them... 

The Abbot

Metal cuboid casket with ornate design on the lid, handles on the outside and a large key in a large lock on one end

Casket, replica of the one used in evidence against Mary, Queen of Scots. Silver, unknown maker, 20th century.

Surely, said the Queen her fears again predominating, ‘Scottish nobles would not lend themselves to assassinate a helpless woman?’
‘Bethink you madam’, Melville relied, ‘what horrid spectacles have been seen in our day; and what act is so dark, that some Scottish hand has not been found to dare it? The Council, besides, speak of proofs by write and word, of a casket with letters – of I know not what’
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