Strategic Plan
Our mission and vision
Our mission: To preserve, interpret and make accessible for all, the past and present of Scotland, other nations and cultures, and the natural world.
Our vision: Inspiring people: addressing the challenges of our age.
Our Strategic Aims
Our Strategic Plan 2022-27 sets out what we will do to achieve our mission and vision. It outlines our aims and priorities for this period, and includes details of the resources required to achieve them.
The overarching goal of our Strategic Plan is for every audience member, employee, supporter and partner of National Museums Scotland to benefit from the positive impact of our activities. We will be guided by five interconnected Strategic Aims as we deliver this goal:
- Our audiences will be more diverse, and more people will connect with our collections and their stories.
- We will be recognised as the world leader and preferred national partner for the interpretation of and engagement with Scotland’s material heritage.
- We will be well advanced on the path to net zero carbon and a respected resource for understanding climate and biodiversity challenges.
- The unique potential of our collections, expertise and programmes will be shared and valued internationally.
- We will be financially secure, supported by diverse income streams and confident in continuing to invest in our people, places and collection.
Find out more
You can learn more about the Strategic Plan 2022-27 in three ways:
- Watch the short video above
- Explore the plan online
- Download the plan as a PDF below
Download the Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan image credits
Who We Are (p3)
- Sean Bell
- Andy Catlin
- Wattie Cheung
Our Values: Creative (p4)
- Paul Dodds
Our Values: Inclusive (p4)
- Andy Catlin
- Ruth Armstrong
Our Values: Collaborative (p4)
- Neil Hanna
Our Values: Forward thinking (p4)
- Stewart Attwood
- Ruth Armstrong
Our Strategic Aims: Aim 1 (p7)
- Andy Catlin
- Neil Hanna
Our Strategic Aims: Aim 2 (p8)
- Neil Hanna
Our Strategic Aims: Aim 3 (p9)
- Neil Hanna
- Ruth Armstrong
- Sean Bell
Our Strategic Aims: Aim 4 (p10)
- Neil Hanna
- Andy Catlin
Our Strategic Aims: Aim 5 (p11)
- Ruth Armstrong
- Chris Scott
Our KPIs 2022-2027 (p12)
- Ruth Armstrong
- Paul Dodds
Supporting Scottish Government Objectives: Reducing inequalities (p13)
- Ruth Armstrong
- Sean Bell
- Stewart Attwood
Supporting Scottish Government: Fair work (p13)
- Neil Hanna
Our Strategic Risks: Covid-19 (p14)
- Stewart Attwood
Our Strategic Risks: Real terms decrease in Grant-In-Aid (p14)
- Ruth Armstrong
- Peter Dibdin
Our Strategic Risks: Buildings not fit for purpose (p14)
- Andrew Lee
- Sean Bell
Our Strategic Risks: Recruitment/retention into business-critical posts (p14)
- Sean Bell
- Neil Hanna
Failure of plant, equipment and systems impacting on health and safety, care of collections and security (p14)
- Stewart Attwood
- Neil Hanna
- Sean Bell
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