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Pinkie Maclure marries traditional craft techniques with a radically different aesthetic approach to stained glass.

I find medieval stained glass bewitching and daring... I want to elevate the medium into a contemporary art form, using its seductive beauty and historical associations to stimulate debate and to tell my own stories.
- Pinkie Maclure

Above: Pinkie Maclure working in her studio in Bankfoot, Perthshire.

Often darkly humorous, she creates pieces that are a social commentary on today’s society and our impact on the environment.  

Perthshire-based Pinkie Maclure began working with glass almost by accident. Her partner was working as a self-employed stained glass window maker, mainly restoring Victorian windows, and making new ones for front doors. He asked if she could help him out.

For Art of Glass, she has created Beauty Tricks, which critiques the human and environmental impact of the beauty industry and the pressure women sometimes place on themselves and their daughters.

Above: Beauty Tricks, 2018 by Pinkie Maclure in stained glass.

Beauty Tricks, 2018 by Pinkie Maclure

Stained glass

Find out more here about the work of Pinkie Maclure.

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